Zubrowka Bison Grass Vodka 750ml
Zubrowka Bison Grass Vodka 750ml
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The undeniable quality and taste of Żubrówka has conquered the hearts of vodka lovers all over the world.
In Poland, its homeland, it is a cult drink. Abroad it is a symbol of rich Polish heritage. Exported to more than 40 countries, it has become one of the most popular and best selling vodkas in the world. Consumers enjoy the clean taste with vanilla, cinnamon, and almond hints.
In the 15th Century, the Polish nobility added a blade of bison grass to the vodka. This is mainly for the taste, but not only…. They believed that bison grass was an aphrodisiac that gave strength and energy to bison. This power, coming directly from the ancient forest, brought the drinker closer to the majesty of nature.
Bison Grass comes from the Białowieża, home to 800 Bison, and is a UNESCO world heritage site as the last primeval forest in Europe.